Welcome to
THE 365 DAYS of Ancient wisdom for the Wellbeing of Modern Man  
Sunday, 01.10.2023
Welcome to the Navajo Nation in North America

Imagine finding yourself in the setting of one of those black & white westerns so many of us Gen-Xers grew up watching: the amazing canyons of Arizona, Monument Valley, and the Navajo Indians. Even today, some of the natives still live as they once lived in their typical hogan dwellings, telling stories around the campfire, singing and performing dancing rituals, and having communal dinners.

So now you can imagine how truly lucky we were that these amazing people took us in and shared their legends with us. There was no talk of politics, all the injustices they endured, or The Long Walk of the Navajo.

Instead, we have decided to stay in the present, cherishing the moments we had together, and sharing the stories and legends of the Diné people from the Navajo Nation.

And that was a great honor for all of us on the LWGH team, and one we will forever be grateful for. Join us to learn what we have learned about this deeply wounded but still amazingly proud Navajo tribe.

Monday, 02.10.2023
The Navajos

Yatahey! That is a greeting in the language of our people,” said Richard, our Navajo host, “And it means ‘It’s good’. It can also mean ’From the Heart’ or ’Everything on the Surface of Mother Earth is Good.’”

He continues, “When we introduce ourselves, we always identify ourselves by our clan. That’s the most important – where do you belong to. Diné is the name we have used to refer to ourselves through many generations – not Navajos as modern man calls us.

Di means “up” and Né means “down”. Many people have been misled into thinking the word means “the People”. The word as we use it is very different. The word tells us where we came from. It tells us the origin of the five-fingered being, i.e., the Human.

Knowing our roots, and belonging to the clan lies at the core of our DNA. This awareness helped us go on and endure the challenging times.”

Tuesday, 03.10.2023
On Ke’ Navajo Kinship

Clan families make up the entire nation of Diné. The relationship between the Diné is referred to as Ké. It is how clan members determine their relationship with one another based on clan affiliation. Every clan group has its own origin story, its mascot and totems. Ké was very important when it came to marriage; choosing the right partner was a family matter.

Traditionally, the concept of Ké denoted complete family control. It was about education and government at the family level. The mother’s clan was the child’s first and foremost authority. The main teaching was that you belong to your mother.

To sum up this thought of the day – the Diné identity was based on clan origin, which is why maintaining clan reputation was of utmost importance.

Can we relate to that? Can you reflect on what comes first in your life? What is the top priority for you? Not just in your heart, but in your deeds as well. How and where do you spend your time? Are you at ease with the reality?

Wednesday, 04.10.2023
The Five-Finger Being

During our time with the Navajos, we asked Richard, our Navajo host, if he could share the significance of The Five-Finger Being with us. Suddenly his face became serious saying, “I can’t go into too much detail, because this knowledge was given specifically to us by our ancestors.”

Of course, we respected this. As he later explained, the hand is considered very important for the Diné. It represents the whole family back two generations by you being represented by your thumb, your mother by your index finger, your father by your middle finger, your mother’s father by your ring finger, and your father’s father by your pinky finger. Thus, they believe that everything they do with their hands they are doing with their ancestors.

Richard concluded, “When we point at something sacred, we never point with just one finger unless we are using a thumb. The thumb represents us. So, when you point to something sacred like the rainbow and use your thumb, you identify yourself to the Holy People – to ALL there is.

Thursday, 05.10.2023
On the Hogan: The Traditional Home

After being invited to Monument Valley, we knew we would be staying in traditional hogans. The Diné used to live in clay-based structures with a wooden door, no windows, and a rudimentary chimney hole. I do have to admit though that the night was quite long. We were in flimsy sleeping bags on a dirt floor, and I just couldn’t stop thinking about all the types of wildlife that could crawl in – talk about being spoiled, am I right?

Effy, the beautiful Diné lady that hosted us in her home, told us that in the times before hogans, her people lived in tall houses that were made from rocks. But the Holy People told them to move away from those structures because they were not safe. They said to go out and watch how the animals make their homes and build them like that. Because of that today’s hogans are always open to the east to greet the sun as it rises so the dwellers can correctly start their day.

Just like their life-affirming greeting “It is good”, the first-morning step into the world should be illuminated by the morning sun to help one uplift the spirit and keep a positive mindset throughout the day.

Friday, 06.10.2023
Live: Staying at a Hogan

Welcome to the hogan – a traditional Diné home! As nature worshipers, the Navajos have always respected the unity between the masculine and feminine, between Mother Earth and Father Sky. Join us for a video storytelling session and learn more about Navajo sustainable homes, dear Green Heart Warriors. Enjoy your Friday!

Saturday, 07.10.2023
Self-reflection Saturday with the keyword of the month: Storytelling

Storytelling is a powerful tool for the oral transmission of traditions and for building loyalty within the family, the team, or any group you belong to. It is one of the ancient ways that generations have passed on their knowledge and nurtured their bonds.


  • Have you already implemented the storytelling approach with your team or in general in your professional life, dear Green Heart Warrior?


Have a lovely Saturday and do share a story today!

Sunday, 08.10.2023
Self-reflection Sunday with the keyword of the month: Storytelling
  • Who were you as a child when you were playing make-believe with friends? Were you a cowboy or an Indian?
  • Could you reflect on the difference and relate this game to the roles we play today?
Monday, 09.10.2023
On Monument Valley

“Tse’Bii’Ndzisgai is a sacred landscape. The Diné name for Monument Valley means White Streaks Amidst the Rocks,” said Fredy, our Navajo host during our time in the valley. “There are many sacred places here, including springs, places where plant medicines grow, and places where prayers are offered. These places have names and stories, and they are occupied and visited by the deities. People with traditional Diné ceremonial training know the place names and stories, and visit them to make offerings for the deities and gather plants for ceremonial use. People without such training, both Diné and others, must avoid them.”

Today, the multitudes of visitors, along with the vehicles and planes that they arrive with, are compromising these sacred places. Noise from the engines had made rocks collapse, whereas road construction, dust, and erosion hinder herbalism.

As mentioned on our visits to Machu Picchu and other sacred sites around the globe which are still home to Indigenous tribes, we all have to make the conscious effort to respect the sacred places and do our best in terms of sustainability to preserve them and let their deep meaning inspire our modern existence.

Tuesday, 10.10.2023
The Power of Erosion

Welcome to Monument Valley! Please join us for Richard’s video storytelling session and learn more about the power of erosion that has created the absolutely spectacular valleys and canyons in this place the Diné call home, dear Green Heart Warriors. Have a beautiful day!


With Love from North America, Sasa.

The Story of the Indian Flute

“Let me briefly explain the importance of our courting flute and the legends on how it was created before we start with the ritual, ok?” said our Diné host Fredy. Happy to hear more stories, we nodded. Thus, he continued, “One story says that a woodpecker made holes in the branch of a tree while looking for termites. When the wind came and blew along the holes, people heard music, which is how the flute came to be.

Another story claims that a young man happened to be lying under a cedar tree when he heard a beautiful sound, only to find out that it was the result of wind blowing through a hollow, broken branch. But regardless of what really happened, the message is the same. Being open to the moment, to nature, and trusting yourself – this is where the magic of creation and creativity is born. So, let’s stay present, dear Green Heart Warriors, and let us have the courage to trust our inner wisdom and voice.

Thursday, 12.10.2023
On Being One with Self

“We, the Native Americans, regard the flute as being one with self. As such, this instrument is worthy of the player’s respect and identification if it is to be played properly. The idea is that the flute comes from a living being, which is the tree, as I have explained to you. Therefore, the instrument should be respected as any other living thing. Our flute is an extension of the person playing it. Both physically and emotionally. The process of mastering its playing technique involves intimate familiarity with the flute’s physical form and inner workings. Only until the player senses the flute as an extension of their body will they be able to play it competently. The separation between self and flute is dissolved, and the music produced comes from a union of hands, mouth, breathing apparatus, flute, and spirit,” additionally explained Fredy before starting with his song we are going to play tomorrow. So please stay tuned, dear Green Heart Warriors!

Friday, 13.10.2023
October with the Navajo in Arizona, USA

Welcome to the Diné flute ceremony. Please join us for Fredy’s ceremonial flute playing in the amazing setting of Big Hogan Cave in Monument Valley, dear Green Heart Warriors. Have a balanced & harmonious day!

With Love from North America, Sasa.

Saturday, 14.10.2023
Self-reflection Saturday with the keyword of the month: Storytelling

Talking about sacred places and the significance they hold for Indigenous people, i.e., nature worshipers, around the world made us think about our own sacred places.


  • May we invite you today, dear Green Heart Warrior, to reflect on your own sacred place?
  • Could you take the time today and visit one of your sacred places to feel the embrace of its comforting energy?


Enjoy your Saturday. Much Love to ALL.

Sunday, 15.10.2023
Self-reflection Sunday with the keyword of the month: Storytelling

This week we have discussed the importance of music and flutes to Native Americans. Especially the belief that you have to be one with the instrument, wholeheartedly connecting with it to get the sound and frequency you are meant to receive.


  • Do you play any instruments, dear Green Heart Warrior? Does playing provide stress relief and helps you get into a meditative state of mind?
  • For all of us non-musicians, we can listen to the sounds of the Native American flute and allow ourselves to be carried away from all our daily burdens, even if it’s just for a few moments.


Enjoy your SUNday, dear ALL.

Monday, 16.10.2023
On Dancing

“To Native Americans,” our Navajo host Larry started his nightly campfire story about the importance of dancing and drumming, “Dance is a form of awe-inspiring storytelling that honors their culture, departed ancestors, and more. Most dances are regionally or tribally specific. There are hundreds of them, with variations existing from tribe to tribe. Traditional dances commonly take place in an open field, around a blazing fire or central drum as Cody and I are going to do tonight. So you will experience that dancing continues to play an important role in our culture as I am sure it does in yours. But let’s talk less, and drum and dance more, shall we, Cody?’ Larry concluded.

We are going to share a video of the Ghost Dance that Larry and Cody performed for us, and you can only imagine what an honor it was to be a part of it, sharing this authentic experience in their native valley, enjoying Navajo dinner and exchanging stories around the campfire. We will never forget the feeling of deep Gratitude.

Please join us, dear Green Heart Warriors for the Ghost Dance performed by Cody and Larry tomorrow.

Tuesday, 17.10.2023
On the Ghost Dance

As promised, we are inviting you to check out the video of Cody and Larry’s Ghost Dance. The dance symbolizes the regeneration of Earth and the joy of humankind. The participants dance to awaken and communicate with their ancestors. The hope is that the dance will give people closure upon the departure of their loved ones.


With Love from North America, Sasa.

Wednesday, 18.10.2023
On Navajo Society

“We, the Diné,” our host Larry started his campfire storytelling, “Need no separate world for religion as all life is lived in sacred relationship to the land. We sing of beauty and harmony and through healing ceremonies try to bring them back into alignment. Our legend says that the Diné had to pass through three different worlds before emerging into the present world, i.e., the fourth or glittering world. So, the Holy People put four sacred mountains in four cardinal directions, thus creating the boundaries of the Navajo Land. We believe that our Creator placed us on the Land between these four mountains. To us then, these mountains represent a major part of our traditional religious beliefs, helping us to live in Harmony with both Nature and our Creator.”

Larry concluded his talk with a poignant rhetorical question, “Can you imagine the pain and suffering of our ancestors when the White Man came and forced them to leave their land, their identity behind?”


Thursday, 19.10.2023
On the Four Navajo Cardinal Directions

Each of the four cardinal directions has a specific meaning in Navajo culture. They serve as a visual embodiment of the Navajo reverence for the number four and can be interpreted as follows:

EAST: The direction of the dawn, the thinking direction. We should first think before we do anything, they say. However, when the Sun comes up, the Navajo look to the … SOUTH: The planning direction, where the Navajo make plans for what they are going to do next. When the Sun sets, they look to the … WEST: This is Navajo life, here is where they act out their plan and thoughts of the East and South direction of their lives. Finally, NORTH, i.e., the evaluation direction. Here is where the Navajo determine whether to change things and make them better or to check if they are on the right path and can continue the cycle.

This cycle is repeated every day. In each cycle, there is a lesson to be learned. If they fall, they get back up and see what they can do differently the next day. Each dawn is a new start, a new life, a renewal, so don’t lose your hope and faith, dear Green Heart Warriors. There is always tomorrow.

Friday, 20.10.2023
On Navajo Family

Today you are finally meeting Larry, our Diné host, to experience his amazing storytelling. The following video will give you a picture of Navajo family dynamics and how an extended family consists of four original clans, or in Larry’s case: Towering House, Bitter water, Big Water, and One Who Walks Around. Don’t we just love these names? 😉


With Love from North America, Sasa.

Saturday, 21.10.2023
Self-reflection Saturday with the keyword of the month: Storytelling

Navajo proverb of the day: “A man can’t get rich if he takes proper care of his family.”


May we invite you to take a moment and reflect on this Saturday Navajo thought?


Enjoy the day, dear Green Heart Warrior!

Sunday, 22.10.2023
Self-reflection Sunday with the keyword of the month: Storytelling

Dear, ALL. Let’s just enjoy SUNday and spend quality time with our families.


Much Love to ALL.

Monday, 23.10.2023
On Living in Harmony

“What does it mean to live in harmony? What does that look like? What does it feel like on the inside?” we’ve asked Wayne Peate and she immediately replied, “When I consider the idea of living in harmony, I think immediately of the Navajo concept of hozho – a complex Navajo philosophical, religious, and aesthetic roughly translated to as beauty. Hozho also means seeking and incorporating aesthetic qualities into life, it means inner life and harmony, and it means making the most of all that surrounds us. It refers to a positive, beautiful, harmonious, happy environment that must be constantly created by thought and deed. Hozho encourages us to go in beauty and to enjoy the gifts of life and nature and health.”

Tuesday, 24.10.2023
On the Navajo Concept of Hozho

“I recall the story of a woman who was traveling through a very poor country,” Wayne continued explaining the Navajo balance and harmony concept called hozho. “She and her companion were dismayed by the lack of hygiene and how dirty the homes in which they were hosted. They kept praying for the next place to be an improvement, but instead, each was the same or worse. Finally, they stopped to consider that they needed to ask instead for help to get through the trip with a better attitude. They changed their prayers and sought instead to become blind to the conditions. Almost immediately they became calm, and accepting, and the love and the generosity of the people were all they saw and felt. They became oblivious to the physical environment.”

Wednesday, 25.10.2023
On Navajo Daily Life

“It is good in harmony – the harmony of the Navajo with the universe and all living creatures on Earth. When we live in accordance with the Universe, we can expect the wealth of a clean soul that protects the whole being from the evil that preys upon his sacred dwellings,” said our hostess Effie at the start of her story on Navajo daily life. Please, check out today’s storytelling video and Effie’s first-hand account of Navajo daily life from her beautiful hogan.


With Love from North America, Sasa.

Thursday, 26.10.2023
On Navajo Weaving Art

According to Navajo myth, the Diné were led to the southwest from the Underworld by the Holy People. Spider Man taught the Navajos how to make a loom from sunshine, lightning, and rain. Spider Woman taught them to weave.

Legends aside, Navajo weaving is a sacred art, embodying creation stories, prayers, and ceremonial practices, the ancient and historical past. In weaving, the individual preserves hozho, the concept that combines order, beauty, balance, and harmony. However, the individual’s freedom to make decisions about design, color, and technique has remained at the center of Navajo weaving. While we can never see the blankets as the Navajo see them – collectively or individually – we can feel the sensibility of an individual artist and the spirit of a people in each blanket.

Friday, 27.10.2023
On Navajo Weaving Art

Today, we are inviting you, dear Green Heart Warriors, to check out the second video with Effie, where she explains more about traditional Navajo weaving. She is so beautiful, isn’t she? The hogan where we recorded the story is where we spent our first long Navajo night 😉.


With Love from North America, Sasa.

Saturday, 28.10.2023
Self-reflection Saturday with the keyword of the month: Storytelling

Navajo proverb of the day: “If you want to see what your body will look like tomorrow, look at your thoughts today.”


May we invite you to take a moment and reflect on this Saturday Navajo thought?


Enjoy the day, dear Green Heart Warrior.

Sunday, 29.10.2023
Self-reflection Sunday with the keyword of the month: Storytelling

Navajo proverb of the day: “When a man moves away from nature his heart becomes hard.”


May we invite you to take a moment and reflect on this Sunday Navajo thought?


Enjoy the day, dear Green Heart Warrior. Take time and connect with nature today.

Monday, 30.10.2023
On the big WHY behind the LWGH Initiative

Thank you, dear Navajo Nation! You afforded us an honest glimpse into both sides of the life the Indigenous People of today live and deeply reminded us of the big WHY of Living with a Green Heart movement as well as 365 Journey.

The positive sides of present-day Navajo life are the teachings from your traditions, connection to your clans, and your humble respect for nature. On the other hand, though is the harsh reality of what happens if we are cut off from our culture, our origins, our land, and our people. The ramifications are clearly reflected in the rising numbers of mental health disorders around the globe.

Dear Green Heart Warriors, allow us to repeat our raison d’être, our reason to be, our big WHY: It is time, to remember our roots, the universal truth, and humbly, respectfully co-exist with this beautiful planet we call HOME.



With love to ALL.

Monday, 30.10.2023
Goodbye Navajo Nation

I am sitting in my small cabin on Mt. Shasta, an amazing energy vortex in Northern California. One of the sacred places for Native Americans and all of us nature worshipers and a great place to perform rituals – each in our own way – to honor Mother Earth and Father Sky.

I, Saša, your host on this journey am here to regain my energy for our last Indigenous Tribe – the great Māori of New Zealand. I can’t believe we’re coming to an end of our year-long journey! It’s almost impossible to describe how happy it makes me that we’ll be soon flying over to good old NZ to meet and learn from its remarkable people – the humble and proud Māori.

So, let us buckle our seat belts and put the seat in the upright position because it’s time to take off. New Zealand is waiting and we are ready to come full circle on our One WORLD. ONE FAMILY journey!