Julija Gruden at Expo 2020 Dubai / 13. – 18.12.2021

Schedule for Julija Gruden's event

Every day, between 13. & 18 December
at 5.00pm and 6.00pm


How was EXPO 2020 created and how Slovenian pavilion was constructed? What is an individual’s role in such a large project and how can one person make a difference. A difference that starts within ourselves and applies to the environment we responsibly co-create.


Get to know the story through the unique, personal experience of civil engineer Julia Gruden, the woman who led the construction of the mighty Mobility District EXPO 2020 in Dubai for two years.


The Slovenian pavilion and the Living with a green heart initiative brings to this year’s Expo 2020 unique, practically experiential and surplus moments of globally successful individuals who are aware of and realize their potential. The storie of Julia Grudenis pure inspiration for how realised individual can make a difference on the path to a better and friendlier future for our planet. Come and catch the inspiration of Slovenian roots.